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Marketplace Ministry


About VisioNext

Enrichment Center


The Heart of our Community

VisioNext Enrichment Center is a community centered ministry that’s bridging the gap between the business world and the church community. Our aim is to enrich the total person spiritually, physically, socially, and economically while taking their vision to the next level.

The mission of VisioNext Enrichment Center is to teach and empower men, women and youth about their God given purpose and to be a global voice that will bring people to discover the true knowledge and love of God.

We partner with many businesses within the community to help people find jobs, housing, and to fulfill their purpose. The ministry operates in the prophetic and teaches the gift to those who have been called to the ministry. We live a life of faith built on Ephesians 3:20, which states “Now, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.” VisioNext is compassionate about reaching those who others may view as unlovable. Our goal is to make an imprint in the community, city, state and the world by sharing the gospel through various forms of ministry.

We are One as a Community.

As a community, we recognize that we are all interconnected and that our actions have an impact on those around us. We value diversity and inclusivity, acknowledging that our differences make us stronger and enrich our collective experiences. We support and uplift one another, recognizing that we are all deserving of respect, dignity, and a sense of belonging.

Our Ministries




For I know the
thoughts I think
toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


Stay Connected with Your Faith

At times, it can be challenging to stay connected with our faith in the midst of our busy lives. That’s why we invite you to sign up for our religious newsletter today.